We had a look around some charity shops to get an idea of the sorta things that we could buy for our piece, Jack had a few odd little bits of clothing lieing about but nothing too extreme. Here are some photos that look similar to the pieces that we found in the shops.
Under shirt
Over shirt
We realised however that if you were in the 60's you wouldn't have needed to have dressed like you were in the 60's because you were, the fashion was just there for you to decide what to wear. Nowadays however we have to try harder to make it look like we are filming a piece in the 60's as it has to be historically accurate (ish.) We realised we maybe should tone the colours and general vibrance of the clothes down for our film as they looked to stereotypically 60's and begun to look like someone was trying to hard to look like they came from the 60's Coincidentally this would be the look we would want to go for as he is trying to convince everyone that he is from the 60's even though he is not. I think the clothes we chose for our piece will only be a segment of his overall wardrobe as it is only one segment of the film, we would be able to get more vibrant and odd as the film went on.
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