Tuesday 12 January 2010


The filming day, five/six hours, was in general successful. We managed to film all of the inside shots in Jacks Bedroom, with some accompanying from Hollie Bilham as ------, and everything happened round about exactly as we had planned.

A tripod was used mostly to get steadier more accurately leveled shots but occassionally a hand held technique was used for tracking shots and extreme close ups, namely the smoke blow scene. The lighting was good for the piece, inside anyway, and we managed to film more than what we had planned and also various other pieces that we had not originally scripted but what we thought might look good, coincidentally the only good footage that came out of the day was the stuff we had planned, everything else being either too crude, obscene or just a damn right waste of time.

One scene however which did not make it to the final cut, was one of Jack waking up in bed next the Hollie, picking up a rather large bedside clock and checking the time, realising he is late by using the term 'Ooooh Fuck' and then leaps out of bed knocking a guitar over and creating a rather nice high pitched sound with it. This clip im sure is somewhere in the unused/gag reel.

The outside filming was equally successful, all of our shots we planned be filmed successfully and once again a few test shots into unplanned areas where we saw room for improvement or modification. However the down side to all of this successful filming is of course the unpredictability of the weather. It was dull and raining. Within the minute it took us to leave Jacks house and begin to go to our first filming location it had begun to rain. This did not spoil the piece however as Jack was already dressed for winter showers, with his brown leathers and cap, so we just filmed and made it tie into our piece. As it is a realistic piece, or at least based on reality, it did not matter that it rained is this gave it a bit more realism and unpredictability as the weather is, it also ties in with the unpredictability of where our film would go next and how the weather coudl represent the mood of the character?

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